academic chill, the draft, polls and Australia

Brenda Rosser shelter at
Sun Oct 14 16:51:58 PDT 2001

Regarding silencing academics: Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> wrote on 13 Oct 2001 13:36:32 -0400

"This article was sent to you by someone who found it on SF Gate. The original article can be found on here: onal1417EDT0692.DTL"

In 1997 the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry contacted my college to ensure my email service was banned..on the grounds that I sent an email to a Government Department using the college's student email facility.

Access was regranted (with a new email address, and the loss of all of my electronic mail) after I suggested the the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission would be better arbitrators. (Was involved, yet again, in local environment struggle).

Does America have a commission, or body of some sort, to protect against discrimination on the grounds of political opionion?

Also, regarding the suggestion that re-introducing the draft/conscription would show where our true colours are: an ex Australian army officer advised me recently that, in his experience, it was only those who were compulsorily conscripted for Vietnam that were sent to the front generally speaking. The others were protected from 'the action'.

Regarding public-opinion wouldn't surprise me if false data on public support for the war is yet another war 'tactic'. However, if the Australian polls are correct, at present, it looks like this war in Afghanistan will have us putting up with another four painful years of the right-wing Howard Government (more forests destroyed... and not much left to privatise). Brenda Rosser

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