Right Advice

Dennis dperrin13 at mediaone.net
Mon Oct 15 12:58:59 PDT 2001

Chuck0 confessed:

> I'm 36.

But 17-years-old inside, no? Your rhetoric is worthy of a kid with "revolution" in his starry eyes.

> This *is* a no brainer: patriotism and anarchism simply don't mix.
> Anarchism is against the nation-state. We're not going to fool anybody
> about our anti-statist politics by waving some symbol.
> Go and wave a flag if that is important to you personally, but please
> don't call this anarchism, because it simply isn't.

I never said I wished to wave a flag, nor did I say to do so was anarchism. I said that I wouldn't be offended if someone who was genuinely interested in peace and justice felt the need to do so. A simple distinction, really.

You know, during the anti-World War 1 struggle, anarchists, who then actually had a labor base and ties to common people, appeared on platforms where the flag was displayed. I've seen photos of Emma Goldman speaking next to a flag, and I dare say, her anarchist credentials are far more impressive than yours.


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