Fish weighs in

Luke Weiger lweiger at
Mon Oct 15 19:35:05 PDT 2001

>... But if by relativism one means the practice of putting yourself in
>your adversary's shoes, not in order to wear them as your own but in
>order to have some understanding (far short of approval) of why
>someone else might want to wear them, then relativism will not and
>should not end, because it is simply another name for serious thought.

The only problem is that this particular formulation isn't what relativism "really" means to most people. Indeed, as Fish stated, if the term did mean that it would be just as accurate (and far less ambiguous) to call it "serious thought."

-- Luke

> Hmm, I look at Fish's comment there and what I see is eminent good common
> sense lucidly put. If that be postmodernism I'd say pomo seems to be
> gravitating toward my POV.
> Carl

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