>Carl Remick wrote:
>>[Hair continues to sprout, unbecomingly, on leftist chests. From
>>NY Observer, "Left Falls Apart as Center Holds":]
>>For Doug Henwood, a WBAI radio host who wrote the scathingly
>>anti-capitalist Wall Street, one of the best-selling leftist books
>>of the decade, and who called the Gulf War and the bombing in
>>Kosovo "American imperial manipulations," the question [about how
>>to respond to the Sept.11 attack] is a no-brainer. "This is an
>>attack on us," he said. "There is a near-certainty that something
>>will be done again soon. Clearly, considerable use of force will
>>have to be used to capture these motherfuckers."
>Letter written to NYO:
>>As flattering as it is to be quoted in your paper - and by Rick
>>Perlstein, whose work I've admired in the past - I did not suggest
>>to him that the question of September 11 was a "no-brainer." I told
>>him that I thought it was incredibly complicated, and that I'd
>>spent a couple of weeks trying to write about it precisely because
>>it was so complicated. It is devilishly hard to combine an
>>acknowledgment of the role of U.S. policy in creating the
>>conditions in which terrorists can arise with a sense that justice
>>requires the perpetrators be punished and future acts of mass
>>murder prevented. That prevention has to include some type of
>>police action in response, but also longer-term alterations of U.S.
>>policy. Thinking this though will require holding lots of thoughts
>>in mind all at once - a task that will require lots of brains, a
>>commodity that seems in woefully short supply at the moment.
A clearer statement would be, "I do not fucking support this barbarism" (Doug Henwood, at <http://nuance.dhs.org/lbo-talk/current/1988.html>). Much shorter & quotable, too. :-> You've said it; now act accordingly. Say it often, and you'll help make the anti-war movement grow bigger.
-- Yoshie
* Calendar of Anti-War Events in Columbus: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/calendar.html> * Anti-War Activist Resources: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/activist.html> * Anti-War Organizing in Columbus Covered by the Media: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/media.html>