Domina, Thurston TDomina at gc.cuny.edu
Thu Oct 18 10:06:24 PDT 2001

Doug wrote:

>Today's NY Times story says UB will continue "in some form." Ever
>looked at it? It's just awful - the trade journal of the corporate

I'd agree that UB is the trade journal of the corporate university but, having spent a couple years of my life working there, I wouldn't call it awful. I hate to bad-mouth the dead, but it always occurred to me that LF and UB sort of complemented one another -- UB was a booster for the corporatization of higher ed, and LF was the celebrity rag for the academic star system that resulted. They were both fun to read, in a depressing sort of way.

Anyway, my friends who are (were) still at the company tell me that Kittay didn't pull the plug, it was another investor who always came through with cash when things were looking desparate. This time he refused. And, I'm told, everybody is out of a job for the time being. But there is some talk of continuing UB on an extremely bare-bones basis.

Ok, it's back to lurking-land for me.


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