Desire for Justice in the Unjust World re: Doug: "Whuppass those mofos!"

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Oct 18 13:43:25 PDT 2001

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Yoshie Furuhashi" <furuhashi.1 at>
>> Desire for justice in the unjust world can be a dangerous thing. A
> > frustrated desire for justice in the unjust world, I believe, in part
> > informs the minds of those who resort to suicide bombings, motivating
>> them to mete out their own justice. The same desire in the minds of
>> leftists and others in the USA will produce even worse damages than
>> the WTC bombing, for they do not have the courage to risk their own
>> lives & would rather have the U.S. government "do something," even
>> knowing that it will obey neither laws nor morals.
>Ever been peppersprayed in the face by cop? Ever locked yourself to a
>manhole cover in the middle of the street Ever been whacked by a
>police baton or been shot with rubber bullets and tear gas cannisters?
>What galaxy are you from?

Getting pepper-sprayed by a cop, etc. naturally gives rise to anger, but if you let your anger take control of you, you may end up doing something destructive & self-destructive. The same goes for anger against terrorists, U.S. imperialism, etc.

-- Yoshie

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