Desire for Justice in the Unjust World re: Doug:"Whuppass those mofos!"

Grinker grinker at
Thu Oct 18 22:42:38 PDT 2001

Yes it's exactly the "something must be done" outlook of much of the former left which has for some time provided cover for most western humanitarian intervention around the world. And we only need to look at the former Yugoslavia to see where that led. Didn't that start off as a policing operation? Yoshie is exactly right that this sort of moral indignation is the same sort of emotion that justifies acts of individual terror.


Yoshie wrote:

> Desire for justice in the unjust world can be a dangerous thing. A
> frustrated desire for justice in the unjust world, I believe, in part
> informs the minds of those who resort to suicide bombings, motivating
> them to mete out their own justice. The same desire in the minds of
> leftists and others in the USA will produce even worse damages than
> the WTC bombing, for they do not have the courage to risk their own
> lives & would rather have the U.S. government "do something," even
> knowing that it will obey neither laws nor morals.
> However, one may very well wonder if it's simply a frustrated desire
> for justice that motivates ambivalent leftists, as they do not rage,
> "What, do nothing?" when nothing happens to those who authorize or
> commit the crimes of U.S. imperialism.

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