Note to the "ladder of force left"

Kelley kwalker2 at
Thu Oct 18 19:36:00 PDT 2001

nice post. for zak, who apparently missed it, i'll repost what i suggested already, it's what i say after i've already engaged in an analysis of what we have done that would make them "hate" us. i then offer suggestions for a ME policy that might address legitimate grievances, though not reward those who committed such an act. i try to make people stop and think about what being brave is about and what it really means to fight an asymmetrical war, since i think that is exactly what is happening right now:

Hey, we're all in this together, right? This was an attack on "US" by "THEM," right? Why should only the men and women in our military be the ones to sacrifice? Why should we go over there and attack them on their terms. Why don't we all really put our money and our homes and our lives on the line? Why don't we tell them, "You wanna piece outta us? You want it? Come and get it. Come right back over here and get that piece. Fight us on _our_ turf, in our backyard. We like to think of ourselves as freedom fighters, right? Did we go over to England and start a war? No we started a war right here. If you think freedom is at stake and if you want me to be grateful for those who fight for my freedom---and I am--then i say to you: I will fight for freedom and so you should you, right here, right now by making those would want to attack us in this way do so again so we can defend ourselves, our freedom and "our way of life". now that, my friends, would have been a rough, tough Clint Eastwood stance to take in front of the whole world. Such a stance would certainly NOT have been turning the other cheek. We would have looked brave and responsible and better than them. That would have shown those who attacked us and everyone else that we are standing together on this one and that we really are willing to risk our lives, our fortunes, our comfort to protect our freedom (and those ideals we say we really stand for).

1. we wouldn't be causing further damage in the ME 2. it would throw "them" off guard b/c they'd never have expected it. 3. the left can unite around impulses of solidarity and unity to rein in any abuses by the OH Shit dept (homeland security) 4. this posture IS tough and it appeals to a widespread american motif of quiet, resolute courage. 5. there's an entire network of "them" in the US. let's see about them and stop further attacks which they've undoubtedly got planned. this one is a problem though because it will lead to 3. but that's where the left fits in.

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