Operation Enduring Protest

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Fri Oct 19 11:40:20 PDT 2001

>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>A good number of leftist intellectuals, however, want a
>>non-existent instant solution to terrors.
>Who? I don't know anyone who thinks that, though maybe you do.

I've spoken of at least _decades_, as you can see below:

At 9:30 AM -0400 10/19/01, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>Naturally, everyone -- including Carrol & yours truly -- wants to
>live in the terror-free world. The problem is that fighting
>terrorism with "considerable force" in the world of capitalism &
>imperialism doesn't stop it, just as fighting the "war on drugs"
>doesn't stop drug production, distribution, & consumption, &
>fighting the "war on crimes" doesn't stop crimes. If more concrete
>lessons from history are necessary to grasp this truth, one may look
>at the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan, the Yugoslav operation in
>Kosovo, etc.
>We can, however, work hard & rebuild the Left (which will take
>decades, at least), so we may one day be in a position to eliminate
>capitalism & imperialism, twin major sources of terrors by states &
>atomized & ruthless fragments of the Multitude. A good number of
>leftist intellectuals, however, want a non-existent instant solution
>to terrors. Their wish is understandable, but it cannot be put into

It appears you don't have patience for such organizing.

-- Yoshie

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