
Dennis dperrin13 at
Sun Oct 21 05:27:08 PDT 2001

> Anybody want start taking bets the anthrax scare is straight from our
> own homegrown rightwing. Maybe the anti-abortion crazies?
> Chuck Grimes

I believe there have been suggestions of such links, and it wouldn't surprise me, especially since the far/neo-Nazi right have fairly rejoiced at the 9/11 attacks -- a fact overlooked by War Party commentators, who, like Andrew Sullivan, prefer to question the motives and morals of "the left" (whatever that is). Apart from Ward Churchill's appalling comments, and the ridiculous posturing by Nicki Craft, I don't know of any lefty who has come close to the statements made by the likes of Tom Metzger, among others. The more one denounces bin Laden, the more one is seen as his ally or useful idiot.

As for the use of nukes, recall that Rep. Dan Burton called for the nuking of Iraq during the Gulf War. He was ignored, but not taken to task, nor did he suffer political fallout. It wasn't until he was caught in an adulterous web that his political fortunes sank. Apparently in Indiana, and in DC, advocating instant mass murder and the radiation poisoning of survivors is less offensive than keeping a secret family in the shadows.


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