dumb & dumber

Chris Brooke chris.brooke at magdalen.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Oct 29 07:02:51 PST 2001

>On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 at 6:16pm Ian Murray wrote:
>Here's a nice onse from the Letters section of the
>18-oct-2001 LRB responding to a collection of short essays
>on 9-11:
>When I visit England sometime I'm going to stop by your
>offices and shove your loony leftist faces into some dog
>Todd Ojala
>bread at denizen.net

He recanted a little, though, in the following LRB <http://www.lrb.co.uk/newletts.htm>:


I would like to apologise for the e-mail I sent not long after New York and Washington DC were attacked (Letters, 18 October). You are in no danger of me visiting your office and doing anything remotely violent with dog-doo. My e-mail was sent in a fit of passion. People I know in New York were affected by the attack, but luckily not killed or injured. Imagine how you might feel if thousands of Londoners were blown to bits, and then intellectuals in America or France immediately wrote about how England should have seen it coming, because of its past history of colonialism, repression etc, etc. This doesn't excuse my comment, just helps explain it. You published it partly ironically, I'm sure, and partly to reconfirm your readers' views of Americans as idiots. Well, I was idiotic with sadness and anger. Even though I don't usually agree with publications like the London Review of Books or the Nation, I am glad they are around.

Todd Ojala Minneapolis


Chris --

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