Wise on sushi and realism

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon Oct 29 20:52:09 PST 2001

>us it’s really Goose Liver Pate. It reminds me of
>something my Grandma once said: "You can call your ass
>a turkey, but that doesn’t make it Thanksgiving."
>Likewise, you can call your war just, and the rest of
>us naive, but that won’t make it so.
>Tim Wise is a writer, activist and antiracism
>educator. He can be reached at tjwise at mindspring.com

Attorney General Ashcroft is warning of another "terrorist attack" soon.

I don't see how another atrocity will help out the left. As Susan Sontag said in a Salon interview, if we have another doozy of a mass murder here, we'll probably end up with a police state.

Al Queda will keep coming at the U.S. whether the U.S. is going after Al Queda or not. If you are saying no to intervention against Al Queda, you have to factor in the consequences of giving Al Queda free reign. If you can, fine, at least you can make an intellectually honest argument against "first doing no harm," instead of just accusing "accomodationists" of selling-out or of having weak minds that are unable to withstand the power of hegemonic ideas.


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