The Red Queen economy

Lawrence lawrence at
Sat Sep 1 17:34:37 PDT 2001

It's hard to overstate the economic challenge for other Asian countries. While their economies are stalled, China's is racing ahead. "China is the world's lowest-cost producer of everything," says Tim Condon, chief economist at ING Barings in Hong Kong. When export demand finally recovers, it is naturally going to gravitate towards China. Happily though, while China's cost advantages do pose problems for the rest of Asia, they are not insurmountable. <<<<

Does this mean that China will one day become a developed nation, as wealthy as the West? If not, what is it that China will become? Even assuming it's per capita income will never equal Japan's, can it get within 25% of that level? If so, why can't its neighbors simply copy its policies?

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