> >>I suspect that when historians look back, they will find these
> >>episodes of "propaganda of the deed" to have been decisive in
> >>shaping at least the American view of the conflict.
> >
> >So why haven't Sabra and Shatila, or the routine bulldozing of
> >houses, had a similar effect on Israel's image? Is it because the
> >attentions of the image-shapers are, um, asymmetric, to use an
> >economist's word?
> >
> Fewer videocameras.
Actually, Time published a briefly famous picture of a dead Palestinian baby
killed at Sabra/Shatila. But I've never seen it, only read about it.
However I do distinctly remember a lot of hysteria about Palestinian hijacking from when I was a little kid, including the Achille Lauro movie-of-the-week.