uhm, well, if they were handling it, she wouldn't have seen it to begin with, eh? if the solution was plainly technological--and it ain't--then there wasn't really much of a reason to tell her why she was getting it or to send her off (it appears) to ask about blanking out email addresses. it would be a snap to simply block bulk mail. why bother doing a search on her addy if they can stop it so easily--technologically speaking? and why get her involved in educating herself (and others) about the problem? ask Matt Cramer about this....
a technical solution to spam blocking often fails to discriminate between unsolicited bulk mail and solicited bulk mail (a list). it ends up going to the user level and they have to learn how to create their own filter rules. alternatively, they can subscribe to the MAPS RBL <http://mail-abuse.org/rbl/> - but it costs money now--and perhaps they have some sort of problem with it, dunno.
of course, if they were really any good, they'd have hired me. i'm the real answer to their problems. heh.