nference on Racism:Jewish Caucus Statement

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Fri Sep 7 04:58:17 PDT 2001

Macdonald Stainsby:
> ...
> Until *Israel* is gone, dead and buried- and with it the American media "don't
> go there approach- all talk of attitudinal problems against Jews will be empty.
> It is not superstructural anti-semetism- quite the opposite.

I would think the existence and behavior of Israel, which is so much like many other ethnically-based states -- full of hatred and violence verging on genocide -- would be reassuring to the world: they're like us! And so would contribute to a decrease in anti-Semitism.

It was when Jews were a people without a land, "cosmopolitan", literate, urban and urbane, that they were most widely hated and most vigorously persecuted.

As Stalin is said to have said, "It is precisely the innocent who are the most guilty."

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