Fwd: [kenslist] Falwell and Robertson on the Causes of Tuesday

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Thu Sep 13 17:27:59 PDT 2001

[forwarded by CUNY politics prof Ken Sherrill]

Jerry Falwell's words yesterday:

>"The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this. And, I know that I'll
>hear from them for this. But, throwing God or successfully with the help
>of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of
>the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this
>because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little
>innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and
>the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are
>actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People
>For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I
>point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen". - Jerry
>Falwell, 9/13/01
>"Did you notice yesterday, the ACLU, and all the Christ haters, People For
>the American Way, NOW, etc. were totally disregarded by the Democrats and
>the Republicans in both houses of Congress as they went out on the steps
>and called out to God in prayer and sang 'God Bless America' and said 'let
>the ACLU be hanged'. In other words, when the nation is on its knees, the
>only normal and natural and spritual thing to do is what we ought to be
>doing all the time- calling upon God."- Jerry Falwell, 9/13/01

and Pat Robertson yesterday:

>Subject: Pat Robertson 700 Club, 9/13/01 re: reasons for terrorism
>"And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so
>concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things.
>The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on
>their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while
>we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have
>allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant
>secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have
>permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies
>to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially
>stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of
>the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the
>courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little
>children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible
>be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest
>levels of our government. And, then we say "why does this happen?".
>Well, why its happening is that God Almighty is lifting his protection
>from us. And once that protection is gone, we all are vulnerable because
>we're a free society, and we're vulnerable. We lay naked before these
>terrorists who have infiltrated our country. There's probably tens of
>thousands of them in America right now. They've been raising money.
>They've been preaching their hate and overseas they've been spewing out
>venom against the United States for years. All over the Arab world, there
>is venom being poured out into people's ears and minds against America.
>And, the only thing that's going to sustain us is the power of the
>Almighty God." -Pat Robertson on 700 Club, Sept. 13, 2001


Dan Vera United Methodists of Color For A Fully Inclusive Church 202-422-1062 dan at umoc.org

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