Cockburn and St. Clair retract the CNN faked footage story,..sort-off

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Fri Sep 14 19:41:41 PDT 2001

Where there was this was, "Least credible news footage, " in between, "Least credible analysis, " and, " America's Greens Rally to Flag, Run for Cover." is now empty. HTML wiped clean, no retraction. Egg on face?

BTW, yrs. ago Alex Cockburn asked to be on the editorial advisory board of Against the Current, from Solidarity. Mike Rubin from Soli told me that the board was divided and in the end the consensus was not to add him. Too much baggage from his cranky past. Michael Pugliese

>From the Lysander Zimmerman cut and paste...

Least credible news footage CNN's videotape of Palestinians supposedly dancing in the streets of a West Bank town. CounterPuncher Marcio A.V. Carvalho at the state university of Campinas in Brazil tells us that he and his colleagues had compared this tape with one from 1991 showing Palestinian cheering, and found them to be identical. [a claim--though Canadian news footage shows mourning Arabs; U.S. media shows happy, celebrating Arabs. You put the pieces together on who is the enemy: THE U.S CORPORATE MEDIA!]

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