depressing outcomes

kelley kwalker2 at
Sun Sep 16 07:04:58 PDT 2001

Countries that support them Chris. We fucking support them. If you think that it was bin Ladan, I don't, but if YOU do, then guess what? A Congressional Report earlier this year spelled it out. All countries habor bin Ladan and his financial networks in one way or another. But there are 34 who can be directly said to be "harboring" bin Ladan and Al Qaeda. That is, we know they're in this country plotting and that they probably used this country to raise funds for terrorist activities. See: htttp://

At any rate, not to speak for everyone, but i don't think that anyone here thinks that the people who did this shouldn't be brought to justice. i, for one, think they should and i'm pretty sure that others here also want that. even Yoshie wants that, though not in the way you want it.

I'm not too sure bombing Afghanistan back to the stone ages is the answer since it's already one of the poorest countries on the planet. What exactly are we going to bomb. Do you really think OBL is there? I don't. How do we know where he is, b/c we sure sucked at following his activities before this. I don't even think OBL did it to begin with and I don't understand why you or anyone else has accepted gov't claptrap and the work of bumbling idiots in the CIA. (see crits of the CIA in The Atlantic Monthly printed _before_ this happened as well as in Stratfor's analysis. They suggest that all our clues thus far have been a foil to send us off on wild goose chases. Personally, I happen to think whoever did this is who we least expect and, no, not the government.)

Have we retaliated against terrorism in the past and gotten it completely wrong? You bet your ass we have. Did we kill Quadaffi? No. We killed his infant son though. Niiiiiiice. Maybe it was Quadaffi, eh Chris? Did our strikes back against terrorists work anyway? No, they haven't worked because that was putting gauze pads on gangrene. Will flexing our muscles by dragging out the cruise missles fix the conditions under which terrorism is nurtured? No, probably not.

Did you think the terrorists wouldn't know our likely response? Did you think that they were going to hide out where we expected them to hide out? They're probably right here in this country, and why not?

I don't speak for everyone and I don't know what Marta means but maybe she just doesn't like justice through war, maybe she thinks justice through the legal system is the answer -- just like we did for McVeigh and McNichols. What's the difference in your mind chris? Because I'm sure McV and McN sure would have liked to have destroyed 6k or more people, don't you? Or did you think that we shoulda blown their brains out without a trial? If you extend that right to them, why? If you didn't bitch at people who weren't calling for a lynching then, why are you now?

I sure would like to see justice. If I had my druthers, I'd like to engage in some sophisticated, long, slow, patient psywar against the mf's so that they don't know how we're doing it and they will be driven mad wondering when and if they are going to die. Nothing we've done actually justifies this kind of behavior. Nothing. And, if we discover it is someone who has a bone to pick with our policies in the ME, then I'd also like to see us tell Israel where to get off: by demanding more humane policies in the middle east, a recognition of all the terrorism that others have suffered for years at the hands of Israel, a country which is basically our tool. If these were people from the middle east, people opposed to Israel and the US, and I still don't actually believe that yet or that hatred of the US/Israel is even the reason behind these attacks, then there is some serious work that we can do to alleviate the conditions under which terrorism is propagated.


> >
> > To me this 4% showing against the war mongers is more disheartening
> > than the entire past week of events. Since I'm certain that Gallup
> > did not only poll the ruling class, a majority of the 92% in favor of
> > retaliation are likely working class Americans. So while some
> > subscribers on this list may think that the working class is going to
> > create some vital change in the world, that seems a more distant hope
> > than ever in the USA. All it takes is good old fashioned nationalism
> > to convert them all to ruling class ideologies.
> >
>The vast majority of U.S. Citizens either knew someone who lost their life
>or the life of a loved one on Tuesday. It was as if we, as a nation, all
>know somebody who was murdered - and we want justice. I didn't know
>feelings of justice were a ruling class ideology.
>Furthermore, the idea that the working class could go to work one day and be
>brutally murdered by faceless terrorists would make terrorists more of an
>enemy to the working class than to the ruling class who are not in harms
>way. Might I remind you that the vast majority of those who lost their
>lives were not world leaders - but everyday grunt workers.
>I cannot imagine anyone, even vaguelly patriotic U.S. Citizen as well as
>citizens of England, Germany, India, etc. that also lost countrymen,
>witnessing the events of Tuesday and not be fully ready to go to war with
>whoever is directly responsible or the countries that support them.

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