Huh? Last I heard, Citigroup--my exploiter, uh, employer, BTW--lost less than five employees, although the firm is screaming about $700 million in possible losses (through insurance claims from Travellers, I guess). Salomon Smith Barney had a data center in 7 WTC, and the Citi assets management group was there too.
I usually work at 111 Wall, but I've been up at 34th Street with a few others for the past few days reconfiguring a machine to replace one my group had lost when 7 WTC went down (irony alert: the machine we lost was a standby backup server. The production servers are safe in the middle of nowhere in the Meadowlands). There's a TV in the cafeteria playing some godforsaken internal Citibank network, and I got to see Sandy Weill's fat fucking face spew inaudible platitudes while I ate my lunch. And then the imbecile who put this telecast together had the sensitivity to show the towers collapsing.
Too bad a wing or some other piece of debris didn't clip the floor of 388 Greenwich where Weill has his office. -- Curtiss, who is not bitter