Partisan Review, wrong again...?

Ian Murray seamus2001 at
Fri Sep 21 09:55:46 PDT 2001

< > "The conservatives, Saudi Arabia and the Muslim religious establishments in Egypt and elsewhere are discredited, whereas the record of radical regimes such as Iran, Sudan, and the Taliban in Afghanistan have been dismal and prospects are less than brilliant. Extreme nationalist regimes such as Iraq, Syria, and Libya have kept their distance from Islamism or even combated it. The Islamists have made some progress among the Palestinians but the terrorists in Algeria are on the defensive and a phenomenon such as Osama bin Ladin, the Saudi planner and paymaster of the terrorists, while providing headlines for the Western media, will forever remain marginal."

[This from Walter Laqueur a man of immense influence on the issue of terrorism in DC a few years ago, no less!!]


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