A Positive Program

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sun Sep 23 10:07:39 PDT 2001

Nathan Newman wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Yoshie Furuhashi" <furuhashi.1 at osu.edu>
>>Nothing I read on the WTO protests gave me any feel whatsoever of what
>>was going on in the communities that the protesters came from -- and
>>without that feel I didn't really auite beieve in the big
>>demonstrations. But it was already becoming clear by early this week
>>that there was immense local activity going on.
>-Yes, certainly so in Columbus, OH. However, it has also become clear
>-(if it was not clear to everyone from the get-go), through a wave of
>-cancellations, which orgs & individuals are still committed to
>-American nationalism, unwilling to disrupt the appearance of
>-"national unity."
>Ah yes, how much the hardline Left mirrors Bush in excommunicating anyone
>who dissents from the party line.

And how much the softline left mirrors the excommunicating Bush by invoking the word "hardline."

I really wish we'd keep the name calling and line drawing to a minimum. I'd hoped that the virtue of a forum like this in a time like this is for people who agree on fundamental principles could talk fruitfully with each other and thereby act more fruitfully in the real world. I haven't given up that hope yet, but it's getting harder to hold on to.


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