Hitchens responds to critics

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at ebay.sun.com
Tue Sep 25 10:14:04 PDT 2001

At 11:00 AM 09/25/2001 -0400, Nathan and Doug wrote:
> >The Germans suffered serious injustice following World War I; so should be
> >just "explain" the Holocaust as a misguided overreaction to justified
> >grievances?
>Of course not, but it's a start, isn't it? Otherwise you're in Elie
>Wiesel territory - to analyze is to defame the memory of the dead -
>or Goldhagen territory - some mysterious characteristic of Germans.
>Or do you agree with them?

Hell, I always thought it was the first campaign of the "anything is better than communism" foreign policy. So long as Hitler's guns were pointing east and his plan was to turn eastern europe and the soviet union into labor camps, nobody in the west gave a good goddamn. After all, everyone else had their empires. Why not Germany too, provided they didn't step on our toes and provided they destroyed the communist menace? Time's Man of the Year!

Joanna Bujes

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