
kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Sep 26 18:09:40 PDT 2001

At 07:42 PM 9/26/01 -0500, / dave / wrote:

>Perhaps it would be Jenna, appearing on our TV screens in an anteroom
>with Saddam enroute to dinner. She delivers a sardonic, ear-to-ear smile
>for the CNN camera, defiantly raising her middle finger up to the lens
>and coyly stating, "Daddy, I stopped taking the pill!" - trumping the
>entirety of the Patty Hearst saga in a single fleeting moment caught
>onscreen for all the world to see.
>Back in Washington, Dubya stares in horror at the screen and faints into
>the arms of a suddenly thoughtful and calculating Dick Cheney. Seizing
>the moment, Condoleeza Rice grabs the presidential "briefcase" (the one
>with the codes) and with it control of the entire U.S. military
>establishment, and exclaims to a room full of startled white guys,
>"Alright motherfuckers, y'all have a lot to answer for! - and Powell. .
>. Powell! Are you with us, or against us? You'd better make your
>decision quick-like."
>BTW, Bush just said "misunderestimated" four times in a soundbite on the news.

heh. / dave / this was _almost_ as excellent as the Bad Subjects post wherein you described Richard Singer and others in the B. S. Anteroom.


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