"Cause" vs. "Justified" (was: Re: Hitchens responds to critics)

Rob Schaap rws at comedu.canberra.edu.au
Wed Sep 26 19:33:08 PDT 2001

>I've repeatedly said that communication is how a statement will be
>understood by listeners, not just what is intended by the speaker.

I think what might help there is the proposition that one can be hated for a combination of good and bad reasons. We can't know the exact constituents and weights of the hate behind this moment, but, if the villains are el Quaeda types, we might assume that some of the reasons we're hated are

THEIR PROBLEM: like mebbe theocratic exceptionalism [not that there ain't a tidy lump of that Stateside], misogyny, anti-secularism [not that there ain't a tidy lump of that Stateside], desire to create a scapegoat for institutional reasons [not that there ain't a tidy lump of that Stateside] etc

and some are

OUR PROBLEM: like foreign policy and apparent popular indifference to death, deprivation and destruction in Muslem climes.

You gotta do what ya can, and live with what you can't. As I suspect the Mujahadeen's targeted supporter and recruitment base does not share as passionately, if at all, the former category of grievances; I do think doing what we can about the second is a priority.

Cheers, Rob.

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