Report: U.S. nuclear weapons sent to Afghanistan as
'last resort'
By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent
The London-based Arabic daily Al Hayat reported Thursday that part of the
American forces deployed to the Afghanistan area in advance of a planned
military strike is equipped with tactical nuclear warheads. The report, that was
published as the main headline in the paper, is based on Western sources.
According to the newspapers, use of these weapons, with a power of from 2 to
10 kilotons, is considered a "last resort."
In addition, it was reported Wednesday from Moscow that Iranian Defense
Secretary Ali Shamakhani will visit Russia next Monday. Russian Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov said Monday that Shamakhani is supposed to sign a
weapons deal that will include the acquisition of the S-300 anti-aircraft defense
system and tanks.
Ivanov stressed that Russia is interested in developing the "military, economic
and scientific relations with its neighbor Iran," but pointed out that the amount of
weaponry Russia would sell to Iran "will not be large."
Russian News Agencies reported that Iran is interested in acquiring the S-300
system in order to defend its nuclear reactor in the city of Boshar.