Sociology and Explanations (Re: Hitchens responds to critics

kelley kwalker2 at
Sun Sep 30 07:49:12 PDT 2001

At 05:31 PM 9/29/01 -0400, Chip Berlet wrote:

>This represents false logic:
>Terrorists want the US out of the Middle East.
>US Leftists want the US out of the Middle East.
>US Leftists are Terrorists. <...>

i didn't say that. i said, we are responding to their act by insisting on a peaceful solution and, in many cases, using the event to struggle for exactly what they want -- if this is Osama or a groupe who wants the US out of the ME. IOW, if we are successful in attaining _any_ of our goals at all beyond a peaceful resolution (trial -- save for some who want none of that), then we have given the terrorists exactly what we they want. they want the US populace to mobilize on behalf of their goals and we are helping them.

that doesn't make the US left terrorists since terrorism is a _method_ anyway and we're not using terrorism to mobilize others to struggle for peace and changed US policies in the ME.

and, again, i didn't say the US left have used terrorist methods.

i think we should take a cue from CNN, btw, and ban the use of terrorist.


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