I have never been one to buy into the paranoia about this shit that pervades the Left and any paranoia I did have evaporated after 9-11, when my suspicions about the government's information overload were confirmed.
Yeah, Carrol, we activists shouldn't consider the telephone to be a private utility. At the same time we shouldn't pretend that everything we say on the phone is of interest to the authorities, if they are bothering to listen. A good rule of thumb is to not talk about shit on the phone that could land you in jail. Otherwise, the government just collects way too much information for it to make sense of the bigger picture.
Activists like to delude themselves into thinking that everything they do is being jotted down by government agents. I'm a big fish in the activist scene and I simply don't see much evidence of this belief that we are constantly being monitored.
<< Chuck0 >>
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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)