RES: anti-globalization label

Alexandre Fenelon afenelon at
Thu Apr 11 14:14:55 PDT 2002

rt: No one is telling countries any of this. As I said, I don't have the answer, nor do I believe there is ONE answer. The most important thing is that, to the greatest degree possible, countries should be free to set their own policies. No one should be "telling" them to do anything. They aren't children.

Now, if I had to make tentative suggestions for, say, South America, I might advise them to default on their debts, form an economic union with protective tariffs on outside products, ignore outside copyrights, and create laws discouraging capital export. While they're at it, they might try thoroughgoing land reform and less killing of union organizers.

-Good idea. It´s a pity that even our Worker´s Party -doesn´t agree with you (what a shame, they reject all -those thesis while putting forwrad a slightly modified -neoliberal platform for this Presidential elections -in Brazil, scheduled to October, the world seems to -be crazy!!!)

Alexandre Fenelon

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