Berube, Part Two

Brad DeLong jbdelong at
Tue Apr 16 10:06:59 PDT 2002

virgil tibbs <sheik_of_encino at>

>they said they would turn him over if we provided
>evidenc....and they said that they would turn him over
>to an international court....the U.S. gov't refused.
>Moreover, does this mean that Chile is justified in
>bombing U.S. cities until we turn over Kissinger?

I would be very happy to see Kissinger on trial in Chile for conspiring to murder General Schneider. But how does one wrong make a second wrong right? Just because Henry Kissinger is not on trial in Chile does not mean Osama bin Laden has some kind of right to a sanctuary in Afghanistan from which he could launch terror attacks.

This is such a stupid argument that I can't believe anyone makes it in good faith.

In fact, only a truly malignant fuck could make such an argument.

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