Hitch v. Ali

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Thu Apr 18 20:30:36 PDT 2002

I heard it was "Unbelievable!" and that the dinner afterwards had quite a cast of characters including Ali, Colin Robinson, Ken Silverstein, and Laura Secor. Supposedly, Michael Berube, a new favorite on this list, is writing up a piece on it for the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Didn't hear anthing pertaining to freaks. When Hitchens spoke at the University of Chicago in December, an ISO clone insisted on repeatedly screeching from the back of the room while he was speaking. And even after he had bought one of their papers! So I be there was some crap like that. -------------

Anyone here attend, or otherwise have access to, last night's Hitchens/Tariq Ali debate in DC? Hitch told me today that it went well by his account and that "the freaks were there in force." Any freak analysis?


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