neoliberalism's pride & joy

Peter K. peterk at
Sat Apr 20 10:06:43 PDT 2002

[They're trying to prevent an old-fashioned run on the banks. The IMF should be mighty proud of itself.]

Argentina Orders Indefinite Bank Holiday By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

BUENOS AIRES, April 19 (AP) — The Argentine government ordered an indefinite halt to all foreign exchange and banking transactions today, saying it needed time to complete a plan aimed at bolstering the crumbling banking system.

The Central Bank announced the move as President Eduardo Duhalde worked to slow a steady outflow of cash that Argentine officials say could start a collapse of the country's financial system.

The banking holiday is to remain in effect until completion of a plan that is intended to convert most savings accounts into bonds and brake a growing number of lawsuits against a four-month-old banking freeze.

Argentines have won court orders overturning the freeze, pulling out more than $100 million a day, banking analysts say, and few fresh deposits are being made.

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