Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Mon Apr 22 06:41:33 PDT 2002

Watched the below:


And I'm amazed that the Freeper didn't do his homework. After all, his opponent is a fan of Chinese Stalinism; and for all of Becker's righteous anger about US corporate violence against the people of the Third World, his organization said nothing in favor of those slaughtered by the Chinese military -- indeed, it backed the slaughter. The Freeper might also have asked Becker about his favored state's permissive attitude toward foreign companies that run sweatshops on Chinese soil, and so on. But, he seemed intimidated and was totally out-argued by Becker. In most cases I'd applaud this -- I have no love for the Freeps. But, sadly, the case against corporate violence and Israeli aggression was made on national television by a member of a Stalinist party, who didn't have the guts to reveal what his real ideology was. And we on the "left" are supposed to back this guy?


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