UK budget, Israel

Bradley Mayer bradleymayer at
Tue Apr 23 12:52:31 PDT 2002

Bradford DeLong's wild and crazy hallucination that US foreign policy is motivated by "memory of the Holocaust" - which is even more ridiculous than the current convention that says the U.S. entered WW2 "to fight fascism" - is a perfect example of how ideological "Zionism" has been grafted on to the larger American political culture. As in the style of the Epcot Center at Disneyworld.

As Mr. Brenner documents, American Jews diverge more and more from "traditional" Zionism. I would say a counterprocess accompanies this, as it is transmogrofied (sp?) into an type of _American_ Zionist ideology "of the goyim", spanning the spectrum from Liberalism to the extreme and fascist right, including in particular both the Christian Fundamentalist and "secular" American far right. This last sector is most dangerous, as they exercise partial power in the state on a permanant basis. But the echoes of "The New Jerusalem", "The Shining City on the Hill", "God's Country", the settlers' "Land of Milk and Honey", Manifest Destiny, and the general notion that Americans are a people specially chosen for some world-historical mission, are evocative enough.

Oh, and the U.S. was not "terribly", but _fashionably_ late to the "party". -Brad Mayer

>We in the United States were terribly late to the
>party that was World War II (and bear a lot of
>historical responsibility for being late to the
>party), even though we brought a lot of refreshments
>when we showed up. We need to make sure we do not
>make the same mistake twice. Hence our commitment to
Israel is absolute.
>It's historical memory of Auschwitz, not
identification with Ariel
>Sharon, that is one of the principal drivers of U.S.
>Brad DeLong

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