------- Start of forwarded message ------- From: SanzoGLu at ej-gv.es To: yeldiren0 at hotmail.com, wsn at csf.colorado.edu Subject: Fwd: Re: Two Questions (France situation) Date: 4/24/02 6:26:41 AM
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:26:41 +0200
From: SanzoGLu at ej-gv.es
Subject:Re: Two Questions (France situation)
To: yeldiren0 at hotmail.com, wsn at csf.colorado.edu
The origin of the problem is related to the general crisis of the left. From
1981, left in France has lost votes. If we see results in the first round of
legislative elections, left obtained 40-43% of census votes in 78-81 and
only 32,3% in 1997 (with victory of the left). In the classical right
parties, we can see the same tendency (from 30-35% to 20,4%).
The problem is basically with classical left - socialists and communists -
(from 38% in 80’s to 24,1 in 1997). The last presidential elections were a
next step to disaster. Census vote to PS/PC was 14,1% in 2002 (25% in 1995)
but left vote was still the same (31,8 and 32,3%). RPR/UDF right parties
lose even more, from 30,9% to 19,3%. Instead of left, in general right vote
falls globally in the 2002 presidential elections, from 46,4 to
40,2%. Paradox of left disunion: right loses votes but obtain two
alternatives for second round.
Extreme right grows only 2,3% Census points between 1995 and
2002 presidential elections (greens and extreme left grows in the same
period 7 census points). But, from 1981, extreme right obtains around 10% of
Census vote from traditional right parties.
Anyway, from 1981, winners are leftist parties (trotskysts, greens) and
extreme right parties (Le Pen).
In fact the basic questions in France are:
1 A dramatic crisis of left traditional parties. Extreme left and green
party grows at traditional party’s expenses (7 points), causing its defeat.
PC is at the door of disappearing.
2. Dramatic crisis also in right traditional parties. 2002 Presidential
abstention will be in fact related to the right parties and not to the left,
probably related to votes in 1995 to Mr. Balladur (UDF).
3. Extreme right grows a bit in the period but not significantly. Her
victory is due to the crisis of PS (basically).
Former growth of Le Pen is associated to the right party’s crisis from 1981
and, if we see the results, his vote is much more associated to former votes
of these parties in – and this is important to understand the situation
– traditional leftist zones. Crisis of PC is associated to initial growth of
PS and, further, with leftist and green vote growth.
In my country, Spain, we see the same tendencies but with two differences:
1. PS maintains globally the vote because of the anti-franquist culture
still existing but will have problems, as IU (PCE), because they have very
little impact between young people and in urban areas (PS vote is now highly
associated to little towns and rural areas, specially in the South, and to
people 35-40 years old and more).
2. Right is linked in one political structure, using the Spain unity
(against Basque or Catalan nationalism) as mode of social cohesion. Her
hegemony is actually total.
So, the traditional left is in crisis, as the traditional working society is
in crisis. This is the problem in France and Spain. A very bad situation to
think in a good future for us.
The reason: left has no global programme of transformation for our societies
at this time, different of the right, and the social cohesion of left
traditional parties is over now (with some nuances in Spain). Simply that.
Luis Sanzo
-----Mensaje original-----
De: B. Y. [mailto:yeldiren0 at hotmail.com]
Enviado el: miércoles 24 de abril de 2002 13:02
Para: wsn wsn
Asunto: Two Questions
I would like to ask two questions:
Do you have a source or list for ongoing wars on the world?
I am not yet clear about French presidential elections:
Before the elections I have read some articles saying voting rate would be
very low this time and so this situation would affect the
public opinion reflectivity of the results. Many leftist and oppressed
would not vote.
This may be the cause of the riseup of extreme right, but indeed I think
in a
very small portion.
Also we see increasing tendency to the right. It is easy to explain it for
But what kind of an explanation could be given for the Europe?
Simply can we say growing economic downturn led to the middle classes to
right as always happened?
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