is this evidence that breast feeding must stop before people reach their thirties?...oh well, try this:
from The Hightower Lowdown for December, 2000, concerning the results from Florida. "Among seniors, Gore lost the over-65 vote by 51% to 47%, a difference of 67,000 votes. Had Gore merely broken even with Bush, he'd have won Florida with no question.
Among white women, Gore lost 53% - 44% among a group that normally splits evenly or votes Democrat. Had he broken even here, Gore would have added 65,000 votes to his total.
Among Democrats, Bush cherry-picked 308,000. This swamps Nader's 24,000. One percent of these would be enough to put Gore over the top.
Among self-described liberals, Bush got 191,000 votes (compared to Nader's 34,000). Need I say more?
The fault lay with Gore. He could not get traditional Democratic constituencies in Florida to vote for him over Bush."