Speak for your own 98% of the country :-)
Here in Berkeley, I have access year-round to an amazing array of good foods including organic fruits and vegetables, line-caught fish and hormone-free grass-fed beef. Not to mention the finest bread (Acme) and coffee (Peets) in the world. Yes, the world. This access has actually increased steadily since I first got here 20 years ago.
You want good meat? Ya gotta ask for it.
http://www.nimanranch.com/ http://www.nimanranch.com/whereTo/whereToBuy.htm
I can think of only a small number of 'processed' foods that I buy, and then only because they are fun, like microwave taquitos (mmm, forbidden taquitos) or something. Just because it's on the shelf doesn't mean you have to buy it.