One Damn Thing After Another, was Re: food, etc

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Fri Aug 9 07:40:02 PDT 2002

Carrol Cox wrote:
> People are sort of tied up in the life they find themselves living at
> any given time -- & it is quite rational to hang on to that life. This
> connects with the long thread a year or so ago on changing people
> through argument.[clip] it's just
> getting along and taking into account (every day) diseased eggs is just
> one damn thing too many. One of a thousand damn things too many. Every
> day.

On another list I read the following. (I only saw it because I happened to browse my netscape trash folder before emptying it; I had long ago put the author in my kill file for his endless posting of "exposures" of what really happened 9/11.)

Note: It really doesn't make any difference what is correct and what is incorrect or a lie in material contained in the post. How much information can even the reading fools on this list think about every day of their life -- or at least a couple times a week? How are "they" (the bulk or even a large and active minority of u.s. workers) even going to have very much time to pick out which pieces of the endless stream of information not only to fish out and contemplate, but which to spend time over several weeks thinking about, and then passing on to one's neighbors, all during which time spending an hour or two five (perhaps six) days a week travelling to and from work etc etc etc.

And (some) leftists think the thing to do is pour even more material into that stream, on the assumption that if we just craft the right message and deliver it in an empty room millions will come flocking to our banner.


****** A short reply to the "contrails changing climate" report on CTV, CBC, and many major U.S. news stations.

[Reports appeared on CNN, CTV, CBC, and more: 0808/]

Corporate News Reports that 'Contrails are Changing the Climate' LZ 1:13am Fri Aug 9 '02 LAMZ at article#11486

Please consider this important information as an alternative explanation to Environment Canada's "contrail" report.

It is impossible that all of this "contrail" formation comes from passenger planes. I, and thousands of others (including pilots, air traffic controllers, and avid sky watchers) have witnessed what appear to be aerial spraying operations -- sometimes with up to 5 planes in the same area of the sky flying in formation.

These instances do not reflect normal passenger jet activity, nor do the "contrails" act as regular ice crystal cirrus formations. The haze produced during these aerial spraying operations lingers for days -- first as cirrostratus-like blankets, then as a thin mist coating the sky white. I have over 5 hours of video documenting this strange activity.

What, then, is a possible explanation? Please carefully read this information and offer it to the public as a possible alternative explanation for the ridiculous report that "contrails are heating the climate"!! It's much more complicated than the (pseudo) "scientific" explanations given by NASA (in part, one of the many public relations bodies of the U.S. military-industrial complex) and Environment Canada.

Please consider these sources:


1.Hamilton Independent Media Centre: [many, many sources (including pictures, video, patents, links and more) found in this article]

Heavy Aerosol Spraying Activity Over Hamilton Area Documented by IMC Hamilton Journalists


2. CBC News:

Ontario town worried about U.S. military flights


3. CBS News:

Cooling The Planet


4. U.S. Patent #5,003,186:

Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for the Reduction of Global Warming u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1='5003186'.WKU.&OS=PN/5003186&RS=PN/5 003186 ________________________________________________________________

5. Submission to the 1997 International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies by Edward Teller, founder of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL):

Global Warming and the Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change


6. Computer modeling of the geoengineering scheme done by Ken Caldeira at the Atmospheric Science Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:

Geoengineering the Earth's Radiation Balance to Mitigate CO2-induced Climate Change ________________________________________________________________


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