>How does this compare with unemployment in major US cities? Spasibo.
>Chris Doss
>The Russia Journal
>Report: unemployment low in Moscow
>MOSCOW - Registered unemployment among economically active population was
>0.7 percent in Moscow in June 2002, the Moscow Statistics Committee reports.
Very low, compared to the U.S. The BLS website seems to be sleeping off a bender, otherwise I'd give you better numbers, but most U.S. metro areas have unemployment rates in the 5-10% range. NYC has an unemployment rate around 8% or 9%, if I'm remembering right, but this is very misleading, because so many people aren't in the labor force. (To be counted as unemployed you have to be actively looking for work; if you've given up the search as hopeless, then you're counted as not in the labor force.) The share of the adult population employed in NYC is 5-10 percentage points below the national average, so a real unemployment rate would be 15% or higher.