Milton the Anarchist Re: "post-leftism"

Chuck0 chuck at
Tue Aug 20 08:39:54 PDT 2002

"Brian O. Sheppard x349393" wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Gordon Fitch wrote:
> > My "opponents"
> > have us anarchists frog-marching the populations of great
> > cities into the desert, smashing the looms, and selling out
> > to globcap all at once; meanwhile they're beating people to
> > death in the basement of Boeing to keep the planes coming
> > while muttering catch-phrases from Marx and Adorno. It's like
> > _Natural_Born_Killers_ where you start hearing Nusrat yipping
> > in the background -- how can I compete with it?
> Wow, Gordon, that's the laugh o' the day for me. The problem is, it wasn't
> the "opponents" that started the frog-march imagery - it was an "ally":
> Chcuk0 himself. The idea of resettling populations deserves the
> comparisons to the ideas of Pol Pot, etc.

Whenever anarchists are asked to describe the world they seek to create, they almost always talk about a world that is more decentralized and more in harmony with nature. This has nothing to do with stupid comparisons to Pol Pot and everything to do with changing our way of life so that life on this planet will survive what capitalism has done to it.

<< Chuck0 >>

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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."

-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)

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