abortion and eugenics

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Thu Aug 22 19:07:59 PDT 2002

>Marta Russell wrote:
>>>Nathan wrote:
>>>And frankly on the abortion issue, I spent too much
>>>time fundraising from Planned Parenthood members on the
>>>phone not to recognize that the euthanasia strain of
>>>pro-choice politics and funding is very real. I don't
>>>agree with the "seamless garment" leftwing Catholicism
>>>of David Bonior and Dennis Kusinich, but it serves more
>>>respect on its own terms than many folks on the left
>>>give it.
>>>-- Nathan Newman
>>"In the era between the Great Depression and Roe v Wade a
>>significant number of activists, intellectuals, academics, and
>>professionals viewed eugenics, euthanasia, and birth control as
>>kindred causes." Ian Dowbiggen, "A Rational Coalition": Eugenics,
>>Euthanasia, and Birth Control in America, 1930-1970. Dowbiggin
>>teaches history at the University of Prince Edward Island.
>>These intellectuals, says Dowbiggen, were concerned with the
>>"responsible care of human life" and disabled persons as well as
>>elderly persons were targets of this "care." I am certain not one
>>damn one of them actually considered the oppression of their
>Yes, this is alarming, but it shouldn't get in the way of seeing
>free access to abortion and birth control as a fundamental rights or

I agree but the paper does show how disability has been positioned in society within these three movements. My next Znet piece explores how the other social movements historically have positioned impairment. It is a bleak history from a disabled person's POV. If those few of us who are thinking about such issues don't understand where we've been how can we plan, organize, whatever, re where we are going?



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