war and the state (was milton, etc.)

Alec Ramsdell aramsdell at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 23 08:16:19 PDT 2002

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> >What is word magic?
> >
> >Ian
> A (Engels) calls X (workers' use of force to put
> down those who
> attempt to restore capitalism by force) by the word
> Y
> (authoritarian); B calls X by the word Z
> (anti-authoritarian,
> perhaps). Both A and B think that X is necessary.
> Yet B thinks A is
> his mortal enemy, because B doesn't like the word Y.
> Magical....

[Some (well-meaning) fun in kapitalist plunder-mode:]

Ballet Russe (Charles Bernstein plundering Nijinsky's Diary)

Every person has feeling.

It is all the same.

I will travel.

I love nature.

I love motion & dancing.

I did not understand God.

I have made mistakes.

Bad deeds are terrible.

I suffered.

My wife is frightened.

The stock exchange is death.

I am against all drugs.

My scalp is strong & hard.

I like it when it is necessary.

It is a lovely drive.

A branch is not a root.

Handwriting is a lovely thing.

I like tsars & aristocrats.

An aeroplane is useful.

One should permanently help the poor.

My wife wants me to go to Zurich.

Politics are death.

All young men do silly things.

The Spaniards are terrible people because they murder bulls.

My wife suffered a great deal because of her mother.

I will tell the whole truth.

I love Russia.

I am nasty.

I am terrified of being locked up & losing my work.

Mental agony is a terrible thing.

I pretend to be a very nervous man.


War and the State (plundering Joe Golowka's post)

In a centrally planned economy, instead of decisions being made by the producers themselves decisions are made by a small group of centralized planners in Moscow (or Washington or London or some other capitol).

The workers are disempowered, deprived of control of their own lives, and forced to submit to these planners.

Material conditions have a huge impact on a persons consciousness, behavior, and material interests.

Individuals are shaped by the institutions they are a part of, the position they occupy in those institutions and the social relationships they have with others.

Since they are in different conditions then the workers these buerecrats will tend to end up with different consciousness and material interests.

There's no reason to expect them to act in the workers interests, and since they have different material interests then the workers will come into conflict with the workers (a conflict called class struggle).

This happens even if your buerecrats are elected workers as, once elected, they are no longer workers but buerecrats.

Thus the actual rulers are not workers but buerecrats who end up constituting a new ruling class that exploits the proletariat just as the previous ruling class did.

It doesn't matter whether this is applied in a single isolated country, a third of the globe or the entire world - this is inherent in the nature of a centrally planned economy.


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