weird Hitchens comments on Israel

Peter K. peterk at
Wed Dec 4 06:10:43 PST 2002

>The US is a lot more likely to set off nukes than al
>Qaida. The US _has_ nukes, after all, and a
>demonstrated willingness to use them on innocent
>civilians. Or have have forgotten already? I don't
>make any apologies or excuses for al Qaida's crimes.
>But my loathing for Jeffrey Dahmer (to use Luke's
>analogy) doesn't mean that I'm throwing my hand in
>with Murder Inc.

>We draw different conclusions from the analogy, though. I conclude that police investigation is in
>order to deal with crimes, but social upheaval is necessary to deal with a psychotic superpower.
>What do you conclude, Luke? Why do you think that the point is "weightless"? jks
---- Isn't calling for a police investigation "throwing in your hand" with Murder Inc.? Instead of calling for a police investigation - after all, the Vietnam war was a "police action", why not highlight the crimes of Empire and its double standards?


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