Dear guests, friends, and contributors to Free Radicals:
We're happy to announce our new companion website to the four-part Free Radicals series we aired on KPFA last month. It's got details about each of the one-hour programs (on globalization, Walter Benjamin, peasant myths and realities, and Hardt & Negri's "Empire"), and you can listen to any of the shows in mp3 format. It's all at:
We want to thank everyone who made this series possible, whether with their time, energy, intellect, or encouragement. We've gotten wonderfully positive feedback on each show, and we're proud of what the series was able to accomplish: disseminate important information about radical ideas and thinkers that even the alternative media tends to neglect or ignore.
Sasha Lilley C.S. Soong Co-Producers, "Free Radicals"