Kill em all

Luke Weiger lweiger at
Fri Dec 6 16:11:51 PST 2002

Justin wrote:

> However, I presume that you will bring forward
> non-just-so arguments to shwo that the Us is
> mnotivated by high ideals rather tahn pursuit of
> perceived self interest, perhaps in the form of
> statement by our leadersto that effect. When is it
> that you think the Us was motivated by high
> ideals--under Clinton and Halfbright, when she was
> justifying the daeths of tens or hundreds of thousands
> of Iraqi children as worth it?

Well, I certainly don't think the thought she was giving voice to was, "Gee, it's a shame that so many Iraqi children have to die, but it's all worth it because it helps preserve the US's place as the preeminent world power."

> We don't know whether policew ork would have worked,

Again, I ask what reason do you have for thinking it would've worked? It seems the burden of proof is on you, in the same it's on me when I suggest military action worked.

> and you seem to think that the war in Afghanistan,w
> hich you are pleased to treat as piece of the war
> against terror,

Yeah, I think it was a response to terror.

> I don't concede that the war on Afghanistan was part
> of a war against terrorism,

Then what was it? A mere pretext for conquering the Middle East?

-- Luke

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