Interview with Hardt; My two cents on P.A.

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Sun Feb 3 01:53:04 PST 2002

|| -----Original Message-----

|| From: Thomas Seay


|| Hakki, with the advent of postfordism and

|| neoliberalism we have seen the advent of a lot of

|| money circulating the globe, unencumbered by State

|| intervention of any kind as well as a growing tendency

|| to reduce the State intervention and nation

|| demarcation in terms of the flow of commodities and

|| markets as well, through such schemes as the WTO.

US free trade hype and the casino capitalism of the 90's produced that illusion. In a free market world, the US could not survive; it is simply not competitive. But capitalists won't drop their dinosaur US conglos and invest their loot elsewhere - why? Because government intervention brings huge profits at minimum risk: Enron is but one example. US economic hegemony relies on global political and military intervention. I've been posting at length about US-Saudi relations, the great game, etc., so I won't repeat all that.

|| We have also seen the growing tendency towards

|| deploying a global police force without respect to

|| national boundaries. Post 9/11 has in no way

|| diminished these tendencies.


Get real, Thomas, what global force? There's only one force, and that's the US.

|| You might want to read the god-damn book Empire

And you might try raising your head from your gd book and taking a look at what's really happening.

|| understand that it is not about putting out some kind

|| of wacky theory about there no longer being

|| nation-states...or nation-states not having some

|| vestige of their former importance.

You're right about one thing; it's not a theory. I'll say no more because I don't want to start another stupid Empire thread.


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