the NYC demos: a report

Nathan Newman nathan at
Tue Feb 5 06:05:39 PST 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chuck Munson" <chuck at> .
>Can we *try* and use some language that the other side is uncomfortable
>seeing in press or on TV? Would you rather hear Dan Rather saying
>"global justice movement" or "anti-capitalist movement?"

I prefer "global justice movement" to an anti-anything movement; the crisis of the Left is that it can only create coalitions to say "No" and be "anti-" whatever, while it has so much trouble being for something.

I actually think that it is good that the media is starting to move the definition of the "anti-globalization" movement into saying the "global justice movement"-- that is a positive message that should be sharpened.

I would be happier if the anarchists would promote "an anarchist world is possible", but most people think that means a world where people fight with the cops everyday and windows get broken. And I personally would like to say a "socialist world is possible" but Stalinism's history makes that hard to explain without a long explanation of what we don't mean. So for now, speaking of a "global justice movement" seems like a good standin for a positive message.

-- Nathan Newman

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