Fwd: Farrakhan Letter to the President

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Wed Feb 6 09:50:20 PST 2002

Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 12:26:23 -0500 To: politics at polyconomics.com From: Jude Wanniski <jwanniski at polyconomics.com>

If you go to my website, you will find a previously unpublished letter sent to President Bush by Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam on December 1.

http://www.polyconomics.com Here is my introduction, explaining why I decided to post the letter today. I called Min. Farrakhan this morning to tell him I had just posted it, as he had no foreknowledge of my intent to do so.

February 6, 2002

Louis Farrakhan Writes to President Bush

Memo To: Andrew Card, White House chief-of-staff

From: Jude Wanniski

Re: The Lost Letter

On December 1, Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam sent a lengthy letter to President Bush relative to September 11 and the War on Terrorism. He said he had thought about it for several weeks before penning it himself and hoped it would actually find its way to the President's desk. Because I knew how difficult it would be for regular mail to get through the screening process, I suggested it be sent to a senior White House official by fax, which I offered to do, the first time in mid-December. When the official said he had passed it on through channels but did not know if it had been read, much less come to the President's attention, I faxed it to another person in the West Wing three weeks ago. With two months having passed, and Minister Farrakhan informing me he has received no reply from the President or his staff, I have decided to take it upon myself to release the letter here, without having asked Min. Farrakhan's permission to do so. He had not released it himself because he believed it might have been misrepresented in its reporting as self-serving, when it was meant solely as counsel to the President from an Islamic religious leader who happens to be an American. Because he addresses administration foreign policy in the letter, there is a suspicion on my part that those who disagree with his counsel found a way to prevent it from reaching the President's desk. Perhaps by broadcasting it in this way, the President will hear of it and ask to see it. You know, I think, that I believe Min. Farrakhan is the most important Muslim leader in the world, by virtue of the fact that he is an American and can best represent the concerns of the Islamic world to our government and the administration you serve.

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