FW: Polygamy [ASDnet] Question for women

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema crdbronx at erols.com
Wed Feb 13 06:23:17 PST 2002

This seems at least a little relevant to the discussion of "polygamy" now raging. I have no reaction to this person's assertions. Do any female people have any thoughts?

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema

-----Original Message----- From: Eric V. Kirk [mailto:kirk at humboldt.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 01:32 To: asdnet at igc.topica.com Subject: [ASDnet] Question for women

Today I had the following exchange with a right winger on another forum. I'm never quite sure when he's putting me on, but he insists in e-mail that he is dead serious. Just want your responses.

He said:

"I should mention I haven't walked out of my house without a pistol in ten years, and I haven't walked out without a pistol and another hidden backup pistol in nearly four years. I am anti-gun. I don't believe anyone but me should be allowed to have them. But since I can't make that a coherent political principle, I am a supporter of the second ammendment.

I should also note that this has made for quite a few surprised moments when it comes to sex. And guys, you should note- quite a few women are turned on to reach around to grab your butt and put their hands on a pistol instead. It certainly makes for entertaining conversation. I've been surprised to find out how many women are completely turned on by the process of taking a gun off me. This is especially true of upper class liberal and leftist women. Oddly enough, not one leftist woman has ever reacted unfavorably in amourousness to me being armed.

My suggestion- make them do it, so they feel the weight of the gun in their hands. Used properly (meaning never handle the gun in any way except to disarm yourself), it is an amazingly erotic mood prop."

I responded:

"Oh please! Spare me your wet dreams! I expect you're going to push the Freudian imagery crap next? Or is power the aphrodesiac your upper class liberal bimbos love so much?

I'll pass thank you very much.

Any women here turned on when you reach for your partner's ass and find a gun? Any men turned on when..., oh, forget it."

He followed up:

"Not only has it been true in my experience, it's been universally true. It's not Freudian, it's a psychobiological response. Images and symbols of dominance are appealing to women, as is universally recognized. Liberal left women of the upper classes- being especially protected from the harsher elements of life- are especially responsive to symbols of dominance.

Yeah, I know what you mean, though: no women bone up to it because that's taboo. They will make lofty speeches, because that's the politics, and women are great followers of the political trends set by men. But then gosh, what a coincidence, they keep falling into bed with me.

You know what your problem is, Kirk? You're an intensely literal man with a disgustingly unsubtle mind, and hence you're easily fooled by what is said as opposed to what is done. Don't look at what women say they want, look at who you find humping them in the closet of the Sharper Images store."

Alright, now I understand there are some sociobiological arguments that suggest that women are biologically attracted to men whom they intelectually find to be retarded. But do you have a biological attraction to "responsive symbols of dominance" such as a gun attached to a man's ass?

Inquiring minds want to know.

People's attention is scarce. Do not abuse it.

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