FW: Polygamy [ASDnet] Question for women

Thomas Seay entheogens at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 13 08:57:02 PST 2002

Christopher, I think the guy is exaggerating. HOWEVER, there is a certain percentage (notice I am not saying ALL)of women who do go for the BAD BOY type. I have friends- nice guys, very very super kind, sensitive, and not bad looking- and some of them have not gotten a date in years (despite trying). Then I know real creeps- the kind that freeload off of women, and are real assholes in general- they have women falling all over them.

Now, what's up with that? Is it freudian (the women seeking out their bad fathers)? Is it sociobiological (seeing aggressive males as better protectors)? I would like some HONEST discussion around this and not just PC blathering.

And by the way, we can find this tendency in men too...to go after the bad girl. Even though I am male, and have fallen into this "trap" a couple of times myself, I dont know why this phenomenon is as it is...but it does exist!



===== "The tradition of all the dead generations

weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living"

-Karl Marx

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